July 2015 – Month in review

July – Nike+ Summary

July – Nike+ Summary

As has been the case for the last couple of months I have been running less but working out more. With my goal of completing a triathlon this year I really have had to work hard on my other sports (basically just swimming). So even though I have been running approximately 50% less compared to the same month a year ago I am actually working out more.

July - Map My Fitness

July – Map My Fitness

Looking at my Map My Fitness log which includes both swimming and riding I reached a total of 157 miles for the month which is 4.43 miles of swimming, 60.78 miles of riding (both indoor and outdoor) and 92.15 miles of running.

We got back from our trip to England on July 1st and my back was a mess. I could barely sit up straight or sit still. Did I rest? Kind of, but not enough. I saw the chiropractor 3 times in the first few days back…yet still managed to register and sign up for a race much to my better judgement. I even ran a fairly decent time for me during the Washington Crossing Revolutionary Run 10K on July 4th.

A little fun on July 4th

A little fun on July 4th

Finally I decided to heed some advice and I went for a sports massage the following week. Wow!!! Ouch…but wow!!! I could actually touch my toes again when I left and within a day or so I was pain free. Amazing. I guess it was all the tight muscles pulling me out of alignment. Either way…I felt much better.

Anyway, the weekend of the triathlon came and went. I’m not going to recap the whole thing again here but you can read the full report from the New Jersey Triathlon here. Long story short there was a lightning storm and the race was cancelled in the middle of the event. I had completed the swim but was called off my bicycle just under half a mile from the end of the ride. It was not to be.

My one and only professional shot from the day - Exiting the swim

My one and only professional shot from the day – Exiting the swim

I was both disappointed but also happy. I had been very nervous about the swim but it went great. My only disappointment was that I wasn’t allowed to finish. I did however find a make up race for August, the Medford Lakes Colony Sprint Triathlon.

Not much else to report really. Lots of ups and downs but renewed focus on my training with new goals and bigger ambitions. Looking forward to what August brings.

Thank you for reading.

Today is my 5 year ‘Runniversary’

Today, August 2nd, is my 5 year ‘Runniversary’.

Back in 2010 I set out on my journey with a ‘Couch to 5K’ program not knowing whether I would succeed in even completing the program. I set foot into the work gym and started a 9 week program. That was, to me, quite a commitment and something that I had tried countless times before. We’ve all said, “One day I’m going to…” or “This time I’m going to…” but I never stuck with anything.

July 4, 2010 - a month before I started running

July 4, 2010 – a month before I started running

I guess 5 years shows that I am pretty committed. It wasn’t just trying something out and seeing if I could do it. I finally reached a point where I knew I had to do something and it was more than just a program, it was a lifestyle change.

It took a lot to go back after the first day. I hurt. Bad. I could barely walk down the stairs that first week. Shin splints really hurt. On top of that I couldn’t get through the program easily. I ended up repeating a couple of weeks and my 9 week program ended up being 11 weeks. I tried my first outdoor run in September that year mid way through the program and struggled…badly. It got better. I didn’t quit. I went out and bought a pair of shoes from a proper running store. Never in my life had I ever paid that much for a pair of shoes. I don’t think anything of it now (although I’m always looking for a sale or a discount!!!)

About 3 weeks into the program I knew that running alone wasn’t going to be the answer and so I started a weight loss program. I wrote everything down/recorded it all on my iPhone app. To this date I am still recording my daily food intake using the same iPhone app. I’m almost at 5 years with that too. It’s more than a commitment, it’s a lifestyle choice.

In the first year I suffered from a knee injury, I worked through physical therapy and became a better runner. I try my best not to over train (although it’s tough as I get antsy sitting still for too long). I get regular checkups with a chiropractor and an annual physical. I can see the positive change it has done for my health. That more than anything else is its own reward.

So where am I now?

55 pounds lost. 12 Full Marathons with two more in the next few months. 16 Half Marathons with one more in the next few months. 3 Duathlons and (almost) 1 triathlon (with another this month). Countless 5Ks and 10Ks. 1 ultra distance run and 3 years of runDisney Challenges. 7,277 miles recorded. Countless pairs of shoes worn.

Along the way I’ve put my miles to good use. I’ve run many times for ‘Autism Speaks‘ and ‘Give Kids The World‘ and raised over $13,500 in the process.

The statistics are meaningless against the satisfaction that somehow I am doing the best for my health and for my family’s well-being. Don’t get me wrong, the achievements have taken hard work but have been some of the most fun times I’ve ever had picking up great friends along the way (shout out to my Mickey Milers). You cannot do all this alone.

I’m in a good place. I’m trying to stay healthy enough to do this as long as I can and trying to set a good example for my boys. I have been fortunate enough to have been joined by my dear wife who will be reaching her 5 year ‘Runniversary’ next February.

Completing my first Full Marathon – Philadelphia 2011

Runners of Steel

Finishing our most recent marathon together – Pittsburgh 2015

My best ever finish.

Crossing the finish line of the ‘Chasing the Unicorn’ Marathon – August 2014

Completing 39.3 miles in one day to raise funds for 'Give Kids The World'

Completing 39.3 miles in one day to raise funds for ‘Give Kids The World’

Running in EPCOT at the 2013 Disney Family 5K

Running in EPCOT at the 2013 Disney Family 5K


With my ‘Incredible’ wife

Life is good.

I've left the old me behind - November 2014

I’ve left the old me behind – November 2014

Here’s to more years of good health and happiness. It’s a good place to be.

Thank you for reading and coming along on this journey with me.